Fucoidan Health News July
The Reason Why You Should Wear a Mask in Public
It is a well-known fact that the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) can be spread through the oral fluid,
or saliva, of infected patients when they cough or sneeze. However, the National Institute for Diabetes,
Gastroenterology, and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) has now discovered that saliva droplets produced during
speech are capable of transmitting the virus as well. According to the report published on May 20th in
PNAS magazine, droplets of oral fluid generated during a conversation could float in the air for 8 minutes,
which could lead to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infections.
After creating a closed, stagnant environment, the researchers asked the subject to loudly repeat the
phrase ‘stay healthy’ for 25seconds. The droplet patterns were measured for 80 minutes. According to
the results, speaking loudly for a minute generated 1,000 droplets containing the virus which remained
airborne for more than 8 minutes. This is alarming as, at this level, the droplets can induce COVID-19
in anyone who inhales them.
The research team who carried out this study reported the results of the experiment to NEJM magazine in
the middle of April last month. They found that, if you speak with a cloth mask, droplet excretion
reduced significantly, as did the risk of spreading the virus. Ultimately, the report shows that wearing
a mask, also recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), plays a vital role in
delaying the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

An Outbreak in Your Community
What should you do if an outbreak occurs in your community? You must stay calm and put your preparedness
plan in action. Follow the steps below:
Protect yourself and others
Stay at home if you notice any symptoms or feel sick. Avoid interacting with people who have contracted
the virus. Maintain a minimum of 6 feet distance between yourself and strangers.
Use a tissue when coughing and sneezing and frequently wash your hands with soap and water for
at least 20 seconds. If your regular work schedule changes, notify your workplace as soon as possible.
Contact others via phone or email only.
Running Essential Errands
Getting take-out, collecting mail, banking, filling your car with gas, and doctor appointments the following list
provides advice on how to carry out these errands in a safe manner.
no contact is made with people (if possible). Immediately after coming into contact with another person or
a foreign surface, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. In case soap and water are not available,
use a sanitizer containing over 60% alcohol.
at least 20 seconds after or use a hand sanitizer containing over 60% alcohol.
Before using the ATM, clean the keyboard with a disinfecting wipe. Use a hand sanitizer containing
over 60% alcohol when you are done. After returning home, wash your hands with soap
and water for at least 20 seconds.
over 60% alcohol. Upon returning home, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
nurse over phone or email only. Use telemedicine, if available.
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